Cable Drum

Cable Drum

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Product Description


MAX. door height,  3000mm
max,cable diam.,  3.2mm
max,door weight,  240kg
diam. shaft,  25.4mm
disrance up to shaft.45mm



MAX. door height,  2438mm
max,cable diam.,  3.2mm
max,door weight,  240kg
diam. shaft,  25.4mm
disrance up to shaft.86mm



MAX. door height,  3352mm
max,cable diam.,  3.2mm
max,door weight,  454kg
diam. shaft,  25.4mm
disrance up to shaft.86mm



MAX. door height,  3680mm
max,cable diam.,  4mm
max,door weight,  341kg
diam. shaft,  25.4mm
disrance up to shaft.86mm



MAX. door height,  5650mm
max,cable diam.,  4mm
max,door weight,  454kg
diam. shaft,  25.4mm
disrance up to shaft. 111mm



MAX. door height,  9780mm
max,cable diam.,  6.35mm
max,door weight,  890kg
diam. shaft, 25.4mm
disrance up to shaft. 127mm



MAX. door height,  5650mm
max,cable diam.,  4.8mm
max,door weight,  250kg
diam. shaft,  25.4mm
disrance up to shaft. 111mm



vertical lift 1372mm
horizontal lift 3048mm
max door weight 455kg
diam cable 5mm
diam shaft 25.4
diatance up to shaft axis ,111mm



max. headroom, 3048 mm
max door height, 3658mm
max door weight 455kg
diam cable 5mm
diam shaft 25.4mm
diatance up to shaft axis ,127mm



max. headroom, 4100mm
max door height, 5150 mm
max door weight 890kg
diam cable 6mm
diam shaft 25.4mm
diatance up to shaft axis ,152mm



max door height, 3352mm
max door weight 385kg
diam cable 5mm
diam shaft 25.4mm
diatance up to shaft axis ,127mm



max door height, 5486mm
max door weight 450kg
diam cable 5mm
diam shaft 25.4mm
diatance up to shaft axis ,152mm



max door height, 8534mm
max door weight 1000kg
diam cable 6mm
diam shaft 25.4mm
diatance up to shaft axis ,178mm

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